Timetable Management System contains a database, which stores the staff and students personal details.
Only the administrator can view, add and delete the data in the timetable. The main objective of developing the Timetable Management System is to have a quality and feasible timetable which is to improve the current system that LIT is using.
Another objective is the system should be user-friendly and easy to maintain. The system produced should be easily modified to address any form of constraints in an actual situation.
The system should also be robust and produce a feasible solution for any big problem.
1.2 Purpose
The College Time Table system is a very useful system for Students, Faculties & Administrator through which students/parents can get the information about them/their schedule.
This is also useful for faculties through which they can view when is its classes. Administrator can add or remove students, faculties with very less effort also it can assign different jobs to different faculties.
1.3 Scope
The scope of this system is this that it can be accessed by Students for getting information about themselves or their parents for getting the information of progress of their wards.
1.4 Report outline
Chapter 1 is the general introduction to the project. This gives the summary of projects and its objectives and scope and technology is being used for implementing this project.
Chapter 2 gives the literature review which shows the drawback of traditional and current system which are overcome by this new system.
Chapter 3 captures the planning and scheduling details of the project which is first step towards making project. This chapter includes models being followed by us to develop a project which includes scheduling details of the project.
Chapter 4 introduces the user of the system and hardware and software required to implement the system. This chapter includes the SRS (software Requirement Specification) of the system which is base to develop any system; SRS includes the functional and non-functional requirement of the system.
Chapter 5 covers the system analysis and system design made by the developer of the system. This chapter includes feasibility study made by the developer of the system. The chapter also covers the design analysis made by developer of the system which includes details of the use cases, ER Diagram, Dataflow diagram, class diagram, sequence and activity diagrams which shows the functional and behavioral aspect of the system. It also describes the database design which shows the relations used in system as well as their relationship to each other.
Chapter 6 deals with the implementation details of the system. This chapter includes testing, test cases and the form designing of the system.
Chapter 7 includes the conclusion of the project and future enhancement work that will done by developer in future implementation phase of the project.
Ch 2 Literature Review
Traditionally, the system of managing a college timetable was done manually by doing paper work. All the schedules of students/faculties and allocating subjects/classes/time had to be managed on paper. So if there were any changes to be made in the timetable it has to be replaced everywhere manually in the whole timetable making it messy and more difficult. There was lot of manpower needed in this process and consumed more time. Thus the manual work was more and system was complex.
Then desktops or laptops were used to generate timetables which were produced by making tables consisting of particular subjects/classes/time and faculties required. This reduced the use of paper but the manual work was yet to be improved. At every place where there was any change in the schedule of faculty/student or adding any new faculty/subject it has to be changed manually everywhere thus consuming a lot of time.
Thus in our project the work of manually adding the subjects/classes/faculties and time has been erased due to the use of automated timetable generation which will be produced by giving subjects, faculties and time as inputs and generating a timetable as output. And whenever there will be any change in the schedule or there are any proxies the use of instant messaging provided in our project will help to solve the problems/clashes generated between students/classes thus saving time and manpower.
Ch 3 Project Management
3.1 Project Planning and Scheduling
3.1.1 Project Development and Approach
In incremental model, the software requirement is first broken into several modules that can be incrementally constructed and delivered. We have selected this model because user requirements are not clear and they are providing their requirements module wise so for the qualitative working system we found that this model is suitable for our Project.
The development team first develop the core module of the system. The core modules are those that do not need services from any other module. On other hand non-core module needs services from other modules.
3.1.2 Project Plan
‘ Objectives:-
SPMP objective is to deliver the product in time and of high quality. The (project management) PM and (Quality Assurance management) QAM work together to achieve this by respectively checking that progress is made as planned and monitoring the quality of the product at various stages.
‘ Major Functions :-
‘ Maintain student/faculty Details
‘ Maintain subject/classes/faculty schedule
‘ Maintain master timetable
‘ Maintain instant messaging
‘ Maintain online management
‘ Maintain data sharing Information
‘ Performance Issues, Management And Technical Constraints:-
‘ Complete Project In Given Time
‘ Working Of Server / Internet Properly
Project Estimates
‘ Historical Data Used:-
‘ Member Registration
‘ Subject/classes/department information
‘ Staff/student information
‘ Master timetable information
‘ Estimation Techniques Used:-
‘ Function point(fp) and COCOMO model
Ch 4 System Requirements Specifications
4.1 User characteristics
1 .Administrator activities
‘ Create the new user (Student & Faculty).
‘ Remove the student.
‘ View the records of Students & faculties.
‘ Update the time table of Students.
‘ Update the subject allocated to faculties.
2. Faculty activities
‘ Only view the owns schedule not others .
‘ Can’t update its Schedule, its responsibility only to Administrator.
3. Student activities
‘ Only view his/her time-schedule information not to others.
‘ Can’t update its Schedule, its responsibility only to Administrator.
4.2 Hardware and software requirements
Technology Used: ASP.NET
GUI Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
Database Server: Microsoft SQL Server 2008
Server Machine:
Computer with following minimum configuration:
– Pentium 4, 1.7 MHz Processor
– 256MB RAM
– 40GB HDD
Windows XP Professional (or above) with following components:
– Microsoft .NET Framework
– Internet Information Service (IIS 5.0)
Database Server:
Microsoft SQL 2008
Functional requirements
Functional requirements define the fundamental actions that system must perform. The functional requirements for the system are divided into three main categories, Faculty/Student, Subject/Classes/Branch, and Master Timetable Management.
‘ User Management:-
Registration function provides the registration to member and managed registration details.
‘ The system shall record registrations.
Input: -registration details.
Output: -registration successfully.
‘ The system shall record the member’s details.
Input: -member details.
Output: -record successfully.
‘ The system shall display the edit fields.
Input: -enter fields to update.
Output: -display edited field
‘ Retrieve the member information.
Input: -enter the member id.
Output: -retrieve the details.
‘ Login Management:-
Login function provides the login to member and managed authentication.
‘ The system shall track login details.
Input: – username and password.
Output: – login successfully.
‘ The system shall record the password length details.
Input: – password must be more than 8 letters/not.
Output: – password correct/incorrect
‘ The system managed to remembered user password.
Input: – yes/no.
Output: – keep password/otherwise not.
‘ The system shall track to allow password must me mixture of alphanumeric and symbols.
Input: – enter password like alphanumeric and symbols.
Output: – password is correct/incorrect.
‘ Master Timetable Management:-
Master timetable will show master details it occupies whole detail about faculty/classes/subject/branch etc.
‘ The system shall track all details about classes.
Input: – classes no.
Output: -show details about classes timetable.
‘ The system shall track all details about lab.
Input: – lab no.
Output: – show details about lab timetable
‘ The system shall a master timetable .
Input: – select master timetable.
Output: – show whole master timetable details.
‘ Subject Management:-
Subject Management function mainly used to show details about which subject has offered by university and optional subject chosen by branch.
‘ The system shall display offered subject information.
Input: -enter subject code.
Output: – show details about subject.
‘ The system shall display offered semester-subject information.
Input: -enter semester and subject code .
Output: – shown subject for particular semester.
‘ The system shall display theory/practical details.
Input: – select theory/practical.
Output: – details about theory/practicals for subject
Nonfunctional requirements
‘ N1: Dynamicity in management.
‘ N2: Ease of Maintenance.
‘ N3: Automate the manual work.
‘ N4: Platform Independence.
‘ N5: Availability of updated data.
‘ N6: Authentication to authorized user.
Ch 5 System Analysis & System Design
System analysis is the process of gathering and interpreting facts, diagnosing problems and using the facts to improve the system. System specifies what system should do. A system is a set of components that interact to accomplish some purpose.
‘ Identifying the drawback of the existing system
‘ Identify the need for conversion
‘ Perform feasibility study
‘ Identify hardware, software and database requirements
‘ Create a system definition that forms the foundation for subsequent work
5.1 Feasibility Study:
The feasibility of a project can be ascertained in terms of technical factors, economic factors, or both. A feasibility study is documented with a report showing all the ramifications of the project
5.1.1Technical Feasibility: Technical feasibility refers to the ability of the process to take advantage of the current state of the technology in pursuing further improvement. The technical capability of the personnel as well as the capability of the available technology should be considered. Technology transfer between geographical areas and cultures needs to be analyzed to understand productivity loss (or gain) due to differences.
5.1.2 Economic Feasibility: This involves the feasibility of the proposed project to generate economic benefits. A benefit-cost analysis and a breakeven analysis are important aspects of evaluating the economic feasibility of new industrial projects. The tangible and intangible aspects of a project should be translated into economic terms to facilitate a consistent basis for evaluation.
5.1.3 Operational Feasibility: All functional and non-functional requirements have been analyzed. Functional requirements are the one the minimum things the system should support. Non-functional requirements are mainly to avoid external events that can affect the system performance. The proposed system is beneficial only if they can
be turned into information system that will meet the organization’s functional requirements. An estimate should be made to know how strong the reaction of a user staff (Administration, faculties, students etc.) is likely to have towards the developed computerized system.
Ch 6 Implementation
6.1 Testing
Firstly we will start testing with individual module and will perform unit testing on that. So we successfully verify and validate all modules by successively integrating each module. Moreover checking the work done was very important to reduce risk factor. Checking was being ultimately handled by testing but interim checking was required. So we planned work done by one member was tested by other for some time and again revolved for other level check. This technique proved to be very much helpful as it came out with innovative ideas to reduces error very low level.
6.1.1 Testing Methods
Performance Testing
Performance testing is designed to test the runtime performance of the system within context of the system. These tests were performed at module level as well as system level. Individual modules were tested for required performance.
Black-Box Testing
We have tested our functions of components to check the specification of our components. We selected input set to test the components like in query process we gave the different kinds of inputs to examine their output. We tested software with sequences the have only single value.
Interface Testing
‘ The position and related labels for all controls were checked.
‘ Name of the form in system is given appropriately.
‘ All menu functions and sub functions were verified for correctness.
‘ Validations for all inputs were done.
‘ Each menu functions were tested, whether it invokes the corresponding functionality properly
‘ Pull down controls was verified for proper functionality.
‘ Whether the non-editable text control is disabling and it was also verified that it doesn’t exceed the maximum allowed length.
‘ Whether the system prompts the user with appropriate message as and when invalid information is entered. All required fields aren’t left blank.
Ch 7 Conclusion and Future Enhancement
In our project timetable management, the website application will help the user to access the timetable as per authority of user given by administration. This project gave us an opportunity to learn about working disciplines of an institute, the working standards and kind of knowledge used by an institute and real-life day to day problems that a student or a faculty comes across. Also we gained knowledge regarding how to deal with huge amount of classes and subjects, managing the students from one class to another on daily basis, maintaining databases and asp.net programming.
In future the work of instant messaging and further module development can be done which will make our project fully automated. Also a more reliable software for the timetable should be provided. In future user may be able to perform all the operation through mobile device.